Do You Need Safety Footwear that Keeps Your Feet Cool and Comfortable?

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Did you know that the average tradesperson can take up to 12,000 steps per day, while warehouse pickers can take up to 22,000 steps on an average shift - which is a staggering 10 miles?

If you're doing this number of daily steps in heavy footwear, you'll be in pain and your productivity will be hugely compromised. And what can make this even worse? In warmer weather, hot and sweaty feet can turn an uncomfortable shift into an unbearable one.

And that's why we developed the V12 Trainer & Hiker Range.

V12 Footwear - Trainer Hiker RangeIncluded in this safety collection are sharp-looking and sporty styles that'll give you outstanding comfort with lightweight toecaps and midsoles, as well as cool, dry feet with breathable mesh uppers and moisture-wicking lining. As well as all this, you'll stay stable and slip-free with the unrivalled grip of V12's IGS sole unit.

And some more good news? The styles included in this award-winning collection are leather-free, so perfect for vegan wearers. Watch to get to know more about this impressive and versatile range, or click below to start browsing the products.