Here’s a question we get asked a lot:
‘Is water-resistant the same as waterproof?’
Put simply, no.
They might sound similar, but there's a big difference. But a lot of the time it’s not obvious by looking at footwear. You try it - have a look at the two boots in the image above. One is waterproof, one is water-resistant, but there’s nothing obvious or noticeable at first glance to tell you which is which. But beneath the leather, the difference in manufacturing and technology can be considerable.
In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the key features of water-resistant and waterproof work boots and how they’re made and tested, so you can feel confident and well informed about your foot health and comfort going forward.
This means your boot:
- Will resist the penetration of water to a certain degree, but not entirely. Prolonged exposure to water will mean you’ll get wet feet eventually.
Suitable for which type of conditions?
- Light rain
- Drizzle
- Work environments that aren’t predominantly outdoors
Pictured: V12's E1300.01 Defiant IGS has a full grain leather upper so it is naturally water-resistant.
This means your boot:
- Is impervious to water. No water can get into your boot and will give you protection against it for a significant period of time.
Suitable for which type of conditions?
- Puddles or deep water
- Anywhere the upper could be submerged
- Where prolonged exposure to water is common e.g. repairing damage after a flood, digging trenches in the rain or continuous work on long wet grass.
Suitable for which industry roles?
- Offshore Drilling or Welding
- Grounds Maintenance/Grounds Work
- Rail Track Engineering
- Construction
When a boot is stitched together, the small holes made by the needle and thread will allow water in once saturated. And once water finds its way through these holes, the flexing action of the foot when walking simply sucks more water in, and the result is inevitable: wet feet. As a rule, unless it has a waterproof membrane (which is essentially a plastic bag placed behind the material upper) a boot will never be completely waterproof. It's this membrane, not the upper that keeps the water out.
Pictured: V12's V1255.01 Rocky - a waterproof safety hi-leg which is breathable and offers superb foot protection and ankle support.
While the waterproof membrane keeps water out when the wearer is working in the wet, it is possible for water or wet grass to splash up higher up or over the boot.
This is why the hi-leg construction is such a key part of keeping feet dry, as the upper material goes further up the leg for extra protection. To add to the waterproofing, the Rocky has a waterproof zip cover and a full bellows tongue.
What is a bellows tongue?
A bellows tongue gives added protection to the wearer from water entering the footwear through the gap between the tongue and the sides of the upper.
A safety boot is only as waterproof as far as the waterproof membrane inside reaches. You can have the very best waterproof lining to stop water getting in if you're standing in a trench or working in puddles, but if water goes in over the lining through this gap, your feet are going to get wet.
A bellows tongue is when the tongue is extended and attached to each side of the upper. When the tongue is brought forward and out of the boot, you'll see it unfold (like a bellows) which protects the wearer's feet from water getting in because this gap is closed.
A full bellows tongue
A full bellows tongue goes a step further and carries on all the way up to the top of the boot. This is a particularly useful feature to have if the boot is a hi-leg, due to the larger gap between the tongue and the sides of the boot.
If you work in a role where there are significant amounts of water, or if your job often means water flicks or sprays up and into the higher part of the boot, a bellows tongue gives that little bit of extra protection.
If footwear is water-resistant, it does not mean it will be waterproof.
And it’s this misunderstanding that can create problems. But it’s an understandable mix-up: after all, the word ‘resistant’ strongly suggests that it will keep water out. As a result, many people end up purchasing water-resistant safety boots thinking they will keep their feet completely dry when they won’t. Inevitably, this leads to wet feet and frustrated wearers. More serious though is that wet feet are uncomfortable, which is a distraction, And if you’re working in a role where hazards are common and safety is vital, a lack of focus due to a lack of comfort can have very serious consequences.
How are waterproof boots tested?
Simple – they take a bath. Unfortunately for them, it’s not a warm, bubbly and relaxing one – it's quite a tough procedure called a Dynamic Footwear Water Penetration Test, also known as the water flex test.
Importantly, it's not just a test of their ability to keep water out - it's a test of their waterproofness when being flexed. It would be fairly easy for a waterproof boot to keep water out if it was sitting in a vat of water, but it's when the boot's lining is being actively used and subject to the pushing and pulling that occurs when walking that it needs to show its strength and durability.
The boots are put on a machine and submerged in a tank of water at a specific angle, and the machine then makes the boot repeatedly flex for 80 minutes to show if any water seeps through and in. If it lets in less than 3cm² then the footwear is considered waterproof. But we're all about going above and beyond, and testing our footwear to the maximum to guarantee performance and comfort, so we test ours for longer than 80 minutes.
Take a look below at the water flex test and other testing carried out on the safety components of our boots. It's proof that a waterproof V12 boot keeps your feet dry no matter the conditions, no matter the challenges. This is because in design, testing and manufacturing we don't cut any corners, and are only satisfied when they exceed rather than simply pass the waterproof standards.
V12 are so confident in the durability of their boots' waterproofing and other safety features, we offer a 200-day warranty on all footwear.
Identifying a waterproof boot
Sometimes the shoe or boot will have ‘waterproof’ or water-resistant' written on the sole or on the boot itself, but to make sure, your best bet is to look at the tongue.
Ok, be warned: this next bit is slightly confusing...
On the inside of the boot’s tongue, you’ll see amongst other details a series of letters. If you see the letters WR (circled red in the image) this means that the boot is waterproof.
Now, I know what you’re all thinking:
If it’s waterproof, why doesn’t it say WP for waterproof? WR suggests it’s water-resistant, and you just told us that water resistant isn’t waterproof!
Agreed, it is a little unclear, but that’s just how the ratings work. Some industry experts say this is because no shoe is ever truly waterproof, because it’ll always have a big hole in it – the one you put your foot in.
If your next question is: If WR means waterproof, what’s the code for water-resistant?, the answer is WRU. This stands for ‘Water-resistant upper,’ and means that the shoe has been treated with a substance to repel water to a certain level, but it won’t have a waterproof membrane inside which means it won’t be fully waterproof.
Safety standards are changing
Recently, the EN ISO 20345: 2011 safety standards were updated to EN ISO 20345: 2022, which has changed certain safety codes, including water-resistance.
If your existing boots are water-resistant, it's very likely will have a WRU code. Going forward, the new code for water resistance is WPA (meaning water penetration and absorption) so this symbol could start appearing on your boots in the coming years. The symbol for waterproof boots remains unchanged.
So, to clarify:
WPA = WATER-RESISTANT (if tested to the new EN ISO 20345: 2022 standards)
Want to find out the full changes to safety footwear standards and how they could effect you? Head to our guide here.
The big drawback with many waterproof boots is that often, they can make feet hot and sweaty. Why? The membrane makes the boot waterproof because it acts as a wall between water and foot, but it also acts as a wall between your foot and the air. That’s why a lot of people who wear waterproof garments complain that while they're great at keeping water out, because the fabric isn't breathable, the amount of sweat they generate means that they end up as soggy and damp as they would have been if the rain had got in!
Generally, it's the cheaper waterproof shoes that will have less breathable membranes. V12 waterproof membranes are full of microscopic holes, each one many times smaller than a water molecule, but large enough to allow perspiration to escape. This way, you’ve got the perfect scenario: no moisture coming in, plenty of moisture going out. See below.
The right boot for you
Knowing what type of boot you need to keep safe and comfortable at work is therefore essential. For example, if you work in the rail or oil industry and you’re battling with rain, sea and storms all day, you’re going to want to get yourself a pair of fully waterproof boots. Alternatively, if you’re working in sectors like aerospace or the automotive industry and find yourself less exposed to the elements, then water-resistant, rather than waterproof footwear will be your best bet.
The dangers of wet feet
When it comes to making any safety footwear purchase, the primary concern should always be your health and safety. If you’re still in two minds about whether or not you need waterproof or water-resistant boots – or you think your employer might be offering you the wrong type of boot, it’s worth knowing the health and safety implications of wet feet. When feet suffer long-term water exposure, it can lead to a range of problems such as:
- blistering
- swelling
- numbness and itching
- athlete's foot
And left untreated, these ailments can turn into life-limiting health complications such as impaired blood vessels and tissue damage. Waterproof footwear shouldn’t be a luxury or a comfort benefit – it should be a specific feature of your outdoor footwear based on the demands and conditions you face in your industry.
So now you know your waterproof from your water-resistant, your membranes from your molecules, and your dry feet from your athlete’s feet. And you also know just how important it is to get the right type of boots to avoid the dangers of wet feet. But the most important thing to take from this piece are these three little words. RIGHT FOR YOU. Whether you choose a water-resistant or waterproof outdoor boot, just make sure that based on the challenges and nature of your job, it’s right for you.